Ultrasonic inspection
Temperature inspection
Vibration analysis
Temperature inspection
Steam traps monitoring

Ultrasonic inspection

Ultrasound is an acoustic vibration frequency too high to be audible. An ultrasound corresponds to a frequency above 20,000 Hz.

The human ear can perceive sound waves with frequencies between 20 Hz and 20 000Hz

Many phenomena generate ultrasound, the first of which the compressed air leaks and pressurized gas. The defects of bearing and lubrication, turbulence in the fluid or gas circuits, aeration and cavitation in pumps, electric partial discharge and  corona effects and many other phenomena yet, also generate ultrasound.

In predictive maintenance the possibility to detect in an industrial environment the ultrasounds resulting from malfunctions can anticipate breakdowns and accidents and make energy savings.

With the LEAKSHOOTER ultrasound can be accurately measured. This allows to deliver a diagnosis.

High frequency sounds are more directional than low frequency. This facilitates the search for the source, even in the presence of ambient noise. By adding the vision and the photo to the ultrasonic measurement SYNERGYS TECHNOLOGIES with its LEAKSHOOTER has significantly advanced this inspection technique.

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